Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I went back to the Dr. this afternoon. Dr. Vastine says everything looks great. No infection & the drainage tubes were taken out. Hallelujah!!!  I could have kissed her for that!! Those things were so miserable. I'm so happy that they are gone. It's amazing how such little things can shape your day! The stitches will come out next Fri. Not looking forward to having to go back across the mountain, but the end is near.

There was some yucky yellow drainage on the "bad side" that I was really worried about. After talking to the Dr., she was saying that was actually a good thing because it was left over chemo & fluid from the lymph nodes that were taken out(both sides) that mixed with  the blood. It was just tyring to escape. There is a "bad spot" on the "bad side" that when the skin swelled it actually split the stitch. Hopefully this should heal itself in time, BUT for right now, that spot HURTS LIKE CRAZY!!!

I'm so happy to get rid of that awful compression bra from the hospital!! I can now wear the sports compression bras instead. At least I don't have that "boning" stuck into me. Plus I can finally sleep in my own bed tonight. Yeahhh. I've been sleeping in the recliner since I came home. Not to comfortable, ha ha!

Now for the really GREAT Scott & I were heading home on the interstate, The oncologist called & said they got ALL THE CANCER!!!! The report came in this morning. During surgery, they went 2" across & 2" down to make sure they got good margins. I also am done with chemo! I have to go back in Sept. & again in Dec, but they will call me with the appt. times. I'm so happy that I'm about ready to burst!!! I can hardly believe it!!!

Thank you to everyone for all that you have been doing for my family & for me! I could NEVER repay all of your kindness, love & support! The only thing I can do is to "Pay it forward"! I hope that I can do for someone else as you all have done for me! I love you all!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

After surgery....

The surgery went well. It was a 5hr. procedure & 3lbs. of breast was taken from each one. The Dr. says that as of right now, I shouldn't have to have anymore chemo!! They took all lymph nodes from both sides & that I have great,clean margins. They are still sending everything out to be tested, but all in all everything went great!!

I was informed by my family that I was quite the entertainment for them after I was given the "funny juice". I was laughing at clowns, smurfs, & grabbing at my poor Mom's shirt. I bet that was a site to see, ha ha!!

After surgery, I was taken to the 4th floor. I COULDN'T HAVE ASKED FOR BETTER NURSES THAT TOOK CARE OF ME. THEY WERE AWESOME!! Whenever I asked for something to drink they brought me a "6 pack" of cokes. They must have known me really well. Since I had gotten a long really well, the insurance said I could go home. Wasn't to thrilled about it, but when the insurance says go, you need to go.

I'm in a lot pain. They have me in this "TIGHT CORSET TYPE BRA" to help with the swelling, etc. So needless to say that is not helping. It almost was the end to me this morning when Scott had to take off the bandages & clean everything. I seriously didn't think I was going to make it. It so much easier on me when he cleans the drainage tubes. That's not such a big deal.

I'm so glad the surgery is over. I now can concentrate on healing & getting better. Last night I only got about 2 hrs. of sleep. It would have been great if those 2 hrs were back-to-back, but of course it was in 15/20 minute intervals. I've been resting/sleeping in the recliner, because if I lay on my back naturally, I will never get up, lol! 

Ever since I got home yesterday, I have had the most attentive & thoughtful children ever. They haven't really left my side.

I'm going to try & get some rest now. I hope everyone has a great Friday evening!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Surgery Tomorrow....

I'm writing this at such a late hour the night before surgery. I have a coke & a 3 musketeer candy bar by me. My last little vices before the "magic hour" of midnight, ha ha!! I am sooo dreading tomorrow. Not for the surgery itself, but for the pain that I know that is coming!! Scott's Uncle Pete (& now mine) came and anointed me yesterday. I feel so much better about everything now. My spirit is calm & my faith is strong!! I know that God has a plan for me & he isn't through with me yet!!! What that plan is I don't know, but I now know I WILL LIVE to see it through.

I'm so very thankful for such a wonderful husband!! Scott has been there EVERY STEP of the way with support & encouragement. My boys have also been there. Christian helped me the other day clean my bedroom & move things around WITHOUT ME EVEN ASKING!!! He said "Mom, you always help me, so I'm going to help you". WOW...I must be doing something right, ha ha.

I have been cleaning so much the last week to get ready for this. I just wished it was a vacation at the end! A nice beach somewhere, lol!

Scott will be updating the blog & my facebook page to help keep everyone "in the loop" about everything.

Thank you all for your love & support & your prayers. They are greatly appreciated. I'm going to try & get some sleep now. If I can't sleep tonight, at least I know I will get plenty of sleep tomorrow, lol! Good night all!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The countdown starts......

Sorry I haven't been blogging for awhile. Some days have not been very good & the days that are great, I'm usually trying to get my household ready for the surgery or just enjoying spending time with the boys.

It seems that the computer has become my life line to the "outside world",lol. The internet can be a useful tool.So glad that we have it!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day celebrations.We went over to my in-laws. Scott & my father-in-law were cutting down trees to get ready for the well they are putting in. WOW..that was a job & I was only an observer! We then had a nice cookout. We got bummed a little though,because of the rain, we couldn't set off our fireworks, but we did enjoy the ones from the park. Luckily we live so close, we only had to go out on the back porch to watch them. :)

Everyday it seems I'm finding something new that I want to "get done" before the surgery. Hopefully I can get my room cleaned in the next couple of days. I won't be able to sleep after surgery unless I'm in a recliner so we are bringing one up from downstairs.(Not that I will be doing much sleeping anyway).The next room is Matthew's room. We will get that done over the weekend hopefully! I'm starting to feel like I'm pregnant & having the "nesting syndrome" right before giving birth. I don't know if this is normal or not, but it's the only way I can have some sort of normalcy. We have been working on our backyard. We now have the gazebo up, fire pit, & my rose bushes planted. So the outside & the rest of the house is done. Just trying to finish these 2 rooms & laundry...ALWAYS LAUNDRY!! How does 4 people create so much laundry???I think that is the million dollar question!

I will try to post some before I have surgery. If I can't post afterwards, I will have Scott doing it. This way everyone knows what is still happening. I want to THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Wither it has been by cards,phone calls, visits, or bringing food over. You have no idea how much it has meant to me & my family!!I'm so grateful to know each & everyone of you.Thank you from my heart!!                            

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Surgery Date

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend. I went to the Dr. today & got my date for surgery. It's for July 13th @ Martha Jefferson Hospital. I have to be there at 6a.m & the procedure will start around 8/8:30. It is supposed to last about 4-8 hrs depending on how things go. I will stay a couple nights, but then hopefully be back home. I was told it could be up to 5 nights(worse case). Crossing my fingers!!

Wow what a day. After the visit, I had to go get all the "pre-op" stuff done. You would have thought I was joining the FBI or something covert. I not only had blood work, but also chest x-rays, EKG, exams, etc. Was beginning to wonder if I needed to sign over one of my boys, ha ha! Oh well, I know it will be a lot of pain but I just want it over with!!

Going to try & sleep some now. Not feeling so great emotionally & physically. Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm FINALLY here writing a blog!!!

A lot of friends have said that I needed to do a blog. That this would be the easiest way for me to keep everyone up to date. So, here goes. I am new at this,so please bear with me till I figure out how this whole thing goes. THANK YOU to EVERYONE for your well wishes, prayers & food that you have so GENEROUSLY showered upon  my family. I don't know where I would be without any of you.

As many of you know, I was diagnosed March 1, 2011 with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I have already gone through 1 "super" round of chemo. During this process I lost my hair, eyebrows, etc. That was to say the least, a very rough road to go down. My family already knows that I had a head FULL of thick hair. So to start losing it as soon as chemo started was a rough thing to go through. I did get a wig, but it is not a pleasant thing to wear, haha! I avoid it as much as possible!! The chemo made me VERY sick. There were many nights that I was to weak to even get up off the bathroom floor, so I would just lay there to sleep. I'm so very thankful that God blessed me with a wonderful & caring husband & 2 loving boys!! They have truly been MY rock.

Because of the cancer, I'm now going to take some time off from teaching Pre-K. This was a career that I LOVED & very much enjoyed having. I'm planning on taking a yr.or 2 off, & then possibly going back. We'll see what the future holds. 
I go back to the Dr. @ Martha Jefferson on Wes.(22nd). I'm supposed to find out then when the surgery date will be. They are planning on doing a total radical mastectomy. While I know their will be A LOT of pain, I just want to get the whole thing over with, so I can get on with the rest of my life.

 I went & walked in this year's Relay for Life. It was so much fun, but by the end of the "Survivor's Lap" I was exhausted. Scott, Christian, & Matthew walked with me. As well as my Mother-in-law(cervical cancer) & Scott's cousin who also has Breast Cancer.  It was a day that I won't forget.

I also won't forget the day that Scott, the boys & I had a "hair cutting" party. Since my hair was falling out anyway, I asked the boys if they wanted to cut my hair. Of course they umped at the chance, haha! Afterwards we went outside & put some of the hair around the trees that we planted when the kids were born. We then threw the rest of my hair in the air & let God take it away with the wind. I couldn't BELIEVE how emotional I was over HAIR!! I know it will grow back(it already has started), but I guess I just didn't realize how much I identified with my hair.

I will try & keep this blog up to date for everyone, but there have been a lot of days were I'm so tired or the pain is really bad. There are days were I could literally sleep the day away! I'm just that tired. I went through almost 2 wks. were I couldn't go anywhere, because my white blood count & platelet levels plummeted through the floor. I only found out about 3-4 hrs.before hand that I could even attend Scott's graduation. Honestly I would have gone anyway. I'm very stubborn, lol!!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend & I will let you all know what the Dr. says next week!
